
Showing posts from January, 2022

What Is Innocent Beauty

  Beauty is basically a quality that is inherent within every thing, animate and inanimate. The quality is present in an object or person and gives intense and deep pleasure and a sense of satisfaction to the mind. This inherent feeling arises either from the sensory manifestations like specific shape, vibrancy of color or a particular sound. The feeling could also arise on account of a meaningful design or pattern or maybe even something a person says or a personality itself. Beauty is a quality of a person, object, place or a specific idea that provides an experience that is perceptual and dedicated to the derived pleasure and affirmation that results from the contact . The concept of beauty changes from person to person. What appeals to one, does not necessarily appeal to another. While some consider it skin deep, some believe that it is of the soul. Beauty lies is in the eye of the beholder is a common phrase th...

Defining Your Market

  Defining your target market is critical if you plan on any measure of success in your business. A solid foundation for your business requires that one of the first things - if not   THE   first thing you need to do is to - DEFINE YOUR TARGET MARKET! In laymen's terms, that means you need to figure out who your typical customer is, and design your marketing to reach those people. If you fail to do so, you're marketing efforts will be like tumbleweeds - rolling around aimlessly in whatever direction the wind blows them. Defining Means Being More Specific There was a time when business owners would say things like "I'm marketing our products/services to people between the ages of 21 and 59." That's great if you think every 21 - 59 year old out there will buy from you, but that's just not reality. These days, age doesn't mean what it used to. I'm sure you've heard the saying "60 is the new 40" (or some variation of that). That's ver...

Perfect Beauty - What It Is, And How To Get It

  There is a fundamental problem in how most people view beauty. Experts say that we should not obsess about having the "perfect" body or the "perfect" look. They could not be more WRONG. We should instead consider, what is perfect? Who decided what perfect is? And what is the ulterior motive or hidden agenda to the promotion of this so-called "perfection"? The truth of the matter is that there is no such thing as perfect . There never was, and there never will be. What women are killing themselves for is not perfection, but a mere set of arbitrary standards. This standardization was put forth by some forces that have no interest in womens' health or well being. I don't know about you, but I am not a bathtub or a bed sheet that is required to be a certain size or shape to meet its purpose. Did you ever wonder who creates the ridiculous beauty standards like a certain hair color or body shape?...

Natural Beauty - Is Beauty Really Only Skin Deep?

  Natural beauty is unique. A rare quality that makes you stand out from the crowd. Everybody on this earth is unique in some way; if they weren't then the world would be a very boring place. Natural beauty is not a photograph of an airbrushed model. Leading manufacturers would like you to believe it is in their efforts to sell you their products . Cosmetic firms and firms who sell beauty-enhancing products all use your sense of insecurity to convince you to buy from them. Have you ever seen photographs of these same models on their 'bad days' when they would rather not be photographed? They are just ordinary people. You would walk past most of them in the street and not give them a second look. Put into the hands of talented make-up artists and then modified by sophisticated computer programs the result is something that is unreal and false. You cannot buy natural beauty, because it's already yours. The...